Welcome to NowThatsCookin.com

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Welcome To NowThatsCookin.com

The site has been around since 2010 and once garnered nearly 1 million hits a month. After the passing of my mother I took a step back and some time to myself.

I am back in the saddle again and re-launching the site from scratch. So please be patient as I am creating areas and content on the fly and this is going to take a little bit of time. So if you come across some links that seem to go nowhere, that is because they don't yet, but they will.

With just being back and active over the past three days as of the writing of this, I have had around 20 thousand hits in 3 days, which honestly has really surprised me. Don't get me wrong, it is a good surprise as I have missed interacting with all my foodie friends and family in the area.

I am increasing the coverage area for the site to the 4 state region. Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. And I am still committed to providing a diverse amount of information for all you foodie's out there that will engage you in the many ways the old site did and beyond as well.

In addition I am also still committed to providing help resources in the form of information for those in need with information about; food pantries, food education classes, food safety issues that affect the 4 state region, food service job listings, after school programs and more. I have enjoyed and felt much fulfillment from helping several organizations over the past few years get the information out about their programs and needs.

I will also continue to do what I can to help promote all of you small business owners, mom and pop shops, out there. I know what it is like to struggle, seeing those bills every month and having to make sure your family is taken care of and that your business thrives so others can as well. I love to promote the mom and pop shops. I love to help the guys and gals with the "national" brands too, because at the end of the day if our local businesses are strong, our local economy is strong as well.

I will have advertising opportunities coming available soon, but not until I have reached a point of content that I am comfortable with. You may inquire at support@nowthatscookin.com or call me at 479-595-6110

The giveaway promotion will also be coming back, I know how much all of the local foodie's loved to participate in that program. It was a great way to get them to try out places they might not have otherwise.

Lots of great things to come. Many thanks to those of you who have given me so much love and support, it has been appreciated more than you may ever know.


Frank Elder II

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